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Immigration Voice encourages all members to help AILF/AILA's potential lawsuit by joining them as plaintiffs and contribute funds to Immigration Voice. We will actively help AILF or other organizations in this lawsuit to force USCIS/DOS to compensate for :
1. Financial and other damages caused due to manipulation of Visa bulletins out of order.
2. Violation of federal regulations and precedents.
A victory in such a potential lawsuit could in effect may either force USCIS to accept the 485 petitions in July and accept the ones it may deny/return in July.
The outcome of lawsuit cannot be guaranteed but USCIS and DOS are certainly facing a tough fight from us as well as from AILA and like minded organizations.
Please contribute funds as Immigration Voice would need funds to finance an expensive lawsuit against USCIS/DOS should it decide to actively participate in a class action lawsuit.
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Has anyone of them contacted Rajiv Khnanna and spent their own $600 and got an anwer? NO.
This is because nobody is serious about this. Everyone wants the other person to spend their money and time. They will only spend their time in writing posts.
I oppose this idea for number of reasons. Firstly people will not become plantiffs. They are scared. USCIS will scruitanize their applications more than anyone. Secondly people will not donate money in thousands of dollars each for it. Unless you can get hundred thousand dollars and above, you cannot go into a class action lawsuit. Thirdly nobody will go and travel on their own money and testify. Forthly, nobody will spend time helping lawyers prepare cases and research. Forthly, class action lawsuits take time and people will disappear after a while. Fifthly nobody will be willing to lead this effort. They will just dump it on IV to lead it and have core spend their time and money into it for them. Sixthly if this fail, they will blame IV for wasting the money and failing in the effort. Seventhly we do not want greencards that bad. If we wanted greencards that bad we all would have written more than 20 thousand letters till now. We should only try to bite as much as we can chew. This is just an overambitious plan and looks good in a post.
Thus I oppose this idea.
You cannot speak on behalf of other persons. Speak for yourself. Even though I have a GC, I am willing to contribute (monetary, reviewing lawyers briefs, doing legal research). I will not be able to participate as plaintiff as I have a GC.
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With your attitude, you will not even become millionaire in Zimbabwean dollars.:D:D:D
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My suggestion is as follows : Let USCIS issue GC for primary applicants without considering PD :) and, issue GC to family members as per PD.
Anyhow getting GC for primary applicant is important then dependent or let them consider whole family as single case instead of considering each family member as single.
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Hell ya, Some one got to be benefiting from my $12000.
I thought we're not supposed to pay for H1 and GC. Correct me if I'm wrong? I guess we can only pay for the visa appointment fee.
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By the way, I don't think you won ANYONE over so far. Keep trying...
Hmm.. so yesterday we were buddies on the other thread (at least you made it out to be for the sake of your arguments) and today I am part of the "enemy" because I am speaking sense and not rhetoric? I think I saw that coming.
You have been called Myfriend by me in all the posts in all the messages (I know i slipped in between but if you refer the messages i also did apolozise for calling some one a Bigot and Idiot). Now what i cannot understand is that you have never had the courage to so the same and are keeping up the same tone. No matter it si ok becasue to agrre you were wrong and apolozie needs more courage then anyone would know
What enemy are you referring to. I never called anyone on IV my enemy (and i can prove it by checking my previous post). The only place i used the word enemy was when i said that if you guys consider me your enemy you need to check all my posts to see how i have been in this forum from 2006 helping people when i can and Getting help when i needed it.
So you saw WHAT coming. What you actaully see coming is a bright light down a dark tunnel and when it gets closer there is a boom. That is when you wake up and smell the roses (So that there is no more misunderstanding and since it pains me to see your angry post again i will explain that what i mean is that you will realize that i am not your enemy). Of course there is no chance of you agreeing with me and that is ok. As long as you realize that i am not your enemy we are good. Atleast that would stop the abuse.
Oh i think i missed that part of sense and not rhetoric. Well it is like this my friend if you are speaking sense and not rhetoric it is good for you. What should be clear is when you speak sense (which by the way is always the way to go) i can choose to not agree with you and that should not blow you mind off and get you angry. Something similar to what i say when you abuse me and say that i am wrong and go all ballastic on me. Try it it will work out better for everyone
By the way, I don't think you won ANYONE over so far. Keep trying...
Since you are a junior member i will let this mistake slide through (But do not feel bad there are some senior members out here with the same statement which i must say is very surprising).
Unlike others i am not here to convert people to my point of view and win some one over to my side.
This is a forum and there are no sides (Actually there are so many to sides to count lets go with no sides). In a forum there is consensus and any decision is made on consensus. For forum members to come to a consensus they need to know what they are agreeing upon and to need to know people need to discuss. Not every idea wil work out and not every disucssion wil lead to a consensus, but as i told before that is the beauty of it.
Hope i was able to answer you satisfactorily and of course if you were not looking for an answer becasue you were just being angry i hope you sleep on it tonight and come back tommorow because my my friend all the junior members of today are the key persons of IV tommorow (Everyone else Please do not take that literally i mean in the future and NO i am not inciting anyone)
So tommorow if i call you my friend again if i see an reply from you which not abusive (It is ok to NOT agree with me. That is your god given right) i for one wil be very happy
this exactly I thought when I read this
"When asked about the potential cutoff dates for EB3 India, China, and Mexico, Mr. Oppenheim said that it would depend on the demand for these categories over the rest of FY2009"
What demand? Aren't these categories already "Unavailable" for the rest of FY2009? What will generate the demand? His earlier statements seem to suggest they have a pretty good handle on the number of cases pending and the EB categories and chargeabilities of those cases. Should'nt they already have a pretty good handle on the demand? On one hand, Mr. Oppenheim is throwing out numbers like they've got it all figured out...and immediately after that he makes a statement which implies they haven't a clue!
"When asked about the potential cutoff dates for EB3 India, China, and Mexico, Mr. Oppenheim said that it would depend on the demand for these categories over the rest of FY2009"
What demand? Aren't these categories already "Unavailable" for the rest of FY2009? What will generate the demand? His earlier statements seem to suggest they have a pretty good handle on the number of cases pending and the EB categories and chargeabilities of those cases. Should'nt they already have a pretty good handle on the demand? On one hand, Mr. Oppenheim is throwing out numbers like they've got it all figured out...and immediately after that he makes a statement which implies they haven't a clue!
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I got the below email from multiple friends. I don't know what is the source, who wrote this analysis because there is no links. I did NOT mean to spread the fear. Just sharing the contents unaltered.
However, this is how many could read RECENT (Jan 8, 2010) actions / announcement by USCIS towards Consulting companies, which engages or merely places their employees at the client sites for various projects.
� No new H1B application will be approved, as per the new guidelines provided USCIS on Jan 08, 2010 memorandum � for 3rd Party Consulting company.
� No new H1B extension/stamping will be approved, as per the new guidelines provided USCIS on Jan 08, 2010 memorandum � for 3rd Party Consulting company.
� If an employee has H1B approved or extension approved, and if he/she comes back to US from a vacation or from an emergency, he/she would be deported back to his/her home country from the Port of Entry (PoE) � for 3rd Party Consulting company.
Because of 2 recent events:
1) USCIS gave new memorandum (which is now guidelines for USCIS professionals working on the H1B petitions/extensions) on Jan 08th, 2010. (Attached the PDF file for the memorandum).
2) Recently (Jan 2010) several H1B Employees were sent back (in some forum, its mentioned � all of them) to their home country from Newark, NJ and JFK, NY Port of Entry � these were the H1B employees, who went to spend Christmas/New Year vacation to their home countries.
What does the memorandum mention, specifically, about 3rd Party Consulting companies?
Link to the memorandum (PDF attached) �
Employer-Employee Relationship:
As per the memorandum, some previous H1B Law defines, the definition of an �US Employer�. Somewhere in that definition (Page 2 of memo), it mentions the word �Employer-Employee relationship�. Till now, it seems that there was no clear guidance on what kind of relationship was considered having Employer-Employee relationship. So, it was being, probably, interpreted independently or ambiguously. Now, on Jan 8th, 2010, USCIS has published this memorandum for TRAINING USCIS OFFICIALS about understanding, Employer-Employee relationship. The memorandum seems to have been prepared with a clear understanding about it, along with the specific EXAMPLES.
Memorandum has given few specific examples, which would QUALIFY for having Employer-Employee relationship, on Page 4-5 of the Memo � including the nature of the job/business. On Page 5-6, memorandum gives few specific examples, which would NOT QUALIFY for having Employer-Employee relationship. Third Party Placement / �Job-Shop� (better version of �Body-shop�, probably) is NOT QUALIFIED for meeting Employer-Employee Relationships � meaning, 3rd Party placement (which most of the small consulting companies do) doesn�t meet H1B requirement, as defined by the law � meaning for this job, the new H1B or Extension or Stamping petitions CANNOT be approved!! Period !!
This is how memorandum has identified 3rd Party Placements and in Bold letters, why it disqualifies for the H1B petitions (comments are in Red):
�The petitioner is a computer consulting company (which is what all small consulting do). The petitioner has contract with numerous outside companies in which it supplies these companies with employee to fulfill specific staffing needs. The specific positions are not outlined in the contract between the petitioner and the third-party company but are staffed on an as-needed basis (this is nothing but, Service Agreement between the petitioner and the mid-vendor!). The beneficiary is a computer analyst (which is what many small consulting company�s employee are). The beneficiary has been assigned to work for the third-party company to fill a core position to maintain the third-party company�s payroll (this nothing but, Mid-Vendor�s or so-called Prime-Vendor�s or Consulting Partner�s Revenue). Once placed at the client company, the beneficiary reports to a manager who works for the third-party company (as it happens, when Consulting partner hires employee as a contractor). The beneficiary does not report to the petitioner for work assignments, and all work assignments are determined by the third-party company (petitioner just runs pay-rolls!). The petitioner does not control how the beneficiary will complete daily tasks, and no propriety information of the petitioner is used by the beneficiary to complete any work assignments (petitioner just runs pay-rolls!). The beneficiary�s end-product, the payroll (payroll of mid-vendor/prime vendor/consulting partner), is not in any way related to the petitioner�s line of business, which is computer consulting. The beneficiary�s progress reviews are completed by the client company, not the petitioner (petitioner just runs pay-rolls!). [Petitioner Has No Right to Control; No Exercise of Control].�
Right to Control:
Supreme Court has stated the definition of Employer-Employee Relationship (Page 3 of Memo), and there it was mentioned to have �Right to Control� over the work of the employee by the employer. From the entire memo, it sounds that Right control is well-established, ONLY WHEN, at least one supervisor from the petitioner�s company works with the beneficiary at the end-client site, and supervises beneficiary�s day-to-day work. So, big Consulting companies such as Wipro, Infosys, Accenture, Deloitte etc. will be good, as they would meet �Right to Control� and that way, they will satisfy H1B requirement by law, and their petitions for similar 3rd party consulting work, will be APPROVED, but not in case of, small consulting companies!! This is because, big consulting companies such as Accenture � have their entire or partial team � along with managers etc. � working at the same client site, where the beneficiary would be working, so they could supervise their work and so exercise control over their work etc., but that cannot be the case with the small consulting � because, their actual business has been, so far, to place employees and run pay-roll � not to get the client projects!
Why one could think that there are slim chances for this memorandum to get reversed in favor of small consulting companies?
This memorandum took care of big consulting companies such as Wipro, Infosys, Cognizant, Accenture etc. � meaning, these companies and their employees are NOT impacted. They can travel freely to-and-fro their home country etc. Since, big companies are not impacted, there will not be any big lobbying or oppositions to this memorandum, per say!! There don�t seem to be a platform for small consulting companies to gather and lobby, plus most the small consulting may not get involved, with fear of exposing themselves more to other issues!! So, it might be east to assume that this memorandum is permanent and not temporary. The recent deportation also indicates that the changes like this memorandum is for serious, not just the warning!
How this memorandum relates to the recent deportation events from NY and NJ airports?
There seems to be an anticipated link between these 2 events � Memorandum and recent Deportations � kind of an indication about the current level of government scrutiny and seriousness of the H1B program. Hence, there have been advices by others that � each employer and employee should operate by strictly following the H1B program requirements.
Link to front page posting about this � MurthyDotCom : NewsFlash! Note to H1Bs Traveling to U.S., Working for Consulting Companies (
What one could predict as happening sooner (trend)?
� Since, it seems big consulting companies (having their own consulting projects)/full-time end-clients and their beneficiaries are not impacted with these changes � there could be trend � employee moving from small companies to big companies for a better shelter for full-time positions � especially, when small consulting company�s immediate preventions / actions to this memo cannot ensure safety.
� Big consulting companies could buy small consulting companies or small consulting companies could sell their companies to big consulting companies (having their own consulting projects), to save their employee�s future/transition etc.
Good Luck my Friends....!!
Everyone knows what the impact would one coming up with the solutions or ready to fight.
However, this is how many could read RECENT (Jan 8, 2010) actions / announcement by USCIS towards Consulting companies, which engages or merely places their employees at the client sites for various projects.
� No new H1B application will be approved, as per the new guidelines provided USCIS on Jan 08, 2010 memorandum � for 3rd Party Consulting company.
� No new H1B extension/stamping will be approved, as per the new guidelines provided USCIS on Jan 08, 2010 memorandum � for 3rd Party Consulting company.
� If an employee has H1B approved or extension approved, and if he/she comes back to US from a vacation or from an emergency, he/she would be deported back to his/her home country from the Port of Entry (PoE) � for 3rd Party Consulting company.
Because of 2 recent events:
1) USCIS gave new memorandum (which is now guidelines for USCIS professionals working on the H1B petitions/extensions) on Jan 08th, 2010. (Attached the PDF file for the memorandum).
2) Recently (Jan 2010) several H1B Employees were sent back (in some forum, its mentioned � all of them) to their home country from Newark, NJ and JFK, NY Port of Entry � these were the H1B employees, who went to spend Christmas/New Year vacation to their home countries.
What does the memorandum mention, specifically, about 3rd Party Consulting companies?
Link to the memorandum (PDF attached) �
Employer-Employee Relationship:
As per the memorandum, some previous H1B Law defines, the definition of an �US Employer�. Somewhere in that definition (Page 2 of memo), it mentions the word �Employer-Employee relationship�. Till now, it seems that there was no clear guidance on what kind of relationship was considered having Employer-Employee relationship. So, it was being, probably, interpreted independently or ambiguously. Now, on Jan 8th, 2010, USCIS has published this memorandum for TRAINING USCIS OFFICIALS about understanding, Employer-Employee relationship. The memorandum seems to have been prepared with a clear understanding about it, along with the specific EXAMPLES.
Memorandum has given few specific examples, which would QUALIFY for having Employer-Employee relationship, on Page 4-5 of the Memo � including the nature of the job/business. On Page 5-6, memorandum gives few specific examples, which would NOT QUALIFY for having Employer-Employee relationship. Third Party Placement / �Job-Shop� (better version of �Body-shop�, probably) is NOT QUALIFIED for meeting Employer-Employee Relationships � meaning, 3rd Party placement (which most of the small consulting companies do) doesn�t meet H1B requirement, as defined by the law � meaning for this job, the new H1B or Extension or Stamping petitions CANNOT be approved!! Period !!
This is how memorandum has identified 3rd Party Placements and in Bold letters, why it disqualifies for the H1B petitions (comments are in Red):
�The petitioner is a computer consulting company (which is what all small consulting do). The petitioner has contract with numerous outside companies in which it supplies these companies with employee to fulfill specific staffing needs. The specific positions are not outlined in the contract between the petitioner and the third-party company but are staffed on an as-needed basis (this is nothing but, Service Agreement between the petitioner and the mid-vendor!). The beneficiary is a computer analyst (which is what many small consulting company�s employee are). The beneficiary has been assigned to work for the third-party company to fill a core position to maintain the third-party company�s payroll (this nothing but, Mid-Vendor�s or so-called Prime-Vendor�s or Consulting Partner�s Revenue). Once placed at the client company, the beneficiary reports to a manager who works for the third-party company (as it happens, when Consulting partner hires employee as a contractor). The beneficiary does not report to the petitioner for work assignments, and all work assignments are determined by the third-party company (petitioner just runs pay-rolls!). The petitioner does not control how the beneficiary will complete daily tasks, and no propriety information of the petitioner is used by the beneficiary to complete any work assignments (petitioner just runs pay-rolls!). The beneficiary�s end-product, the payroll (payroll of mid-vendor/prime vendor/consulting partner), is not in any way related to the petitioner�s line of business, which is computer consulting. The beneficiary�s progress reviews are completed by the client company, not the petitioner (petitioner just runs pay-rolls!). [Petitioner Has No Right to Control; No Exercise of Control].�
Right to Control:
Supreme Court has stated the definition of Employer-Employee Relationship (Page 3 of Memo), and there it was mentioned to have �Right to Control� over the work of the employee by the employer. From the entire memo, it sounds that Right control is well-established, ONLY WHEN, at least one supervisor from the petitioner�s company works with the beneficiary at the end-client site, and supervises beneficiary�s day-to-day work. So, big Consulting companies such as Wipro, Infosys, Accenture, Deloitte etc. will be good, as they would meet �Right to Control� and that way, they will satisfy H1B requirement by law, and their petitions for similar 3rd party consulting work, will be APPROVED, but not in case of, small consulting companies!! This is because, big consulting companies such as Accenture � have their entire or partial team � along with managers etc. � working at the same client site, where the beneficiary would be working, so they could supervise their work and so exercise control over their work etc., but that cannot be the case with the small consulting � because, their actual business has been, so far, to place employees and run pay-roll � not to get the client projects!
Why one could think that there are slim chances for this memorandum to get reversed in favor of small consulting companies?
This memorandum took care of big consulting companies such as Wipro, Infosys, Cognizant, Accenture etc. � meaning, these companies and their employees are NOT impacted. They can travel freely to-and-fro their home country etc. Since, big companies are not impacted, there will not be any big lobbying or oppositions to this memorandum, per say!! There don�t seem to be a platform for small consulting companies to gather and lobby, plus most the small consulting may not get involved, with fear of exposing themselves more to other issues!! So, it might be east to assume that this memorandum is permanent and not temporary. The recent deportation also indicates that the changes like this memorandum is for serious, not just the warning!
How this memorandum relates to the recent deportation events from NY and NJ airports?
There seems to be an anticipated link between these 2 events � Memorandum and recent Deportations � kind of an indication about the current level of government scrutiny and seriousness of the H1B program. Hence, there have been advices by others that � each employer and employee should operate by strictly following the H1B program requirements.
Link to front page posting about this � MurthyDotCom : NewsFlash! Note to H1Bs Traveling to U.S., Working for Consulting Companies (
What one could predict as happening sooner (trend)?
� Since, it seems big consulting companies (having their own consulting projects)/full-time end-clients and their beneficiaries are not impacted with these changes � there could be trend � employee moving from small companies to big companies for a better shelter for full-time positions � especially, when small consulting company�s immediate preventions / actions to this memo cannot ensure safety.
� Big consulting companies could buy small consulting companies or small consulting companies could sell their companies to big consulting companies (having their own consulting projects), to save their employee�s future/transition etc.
Good Luck my Friends....!!
Everyone knows what the impact would one coming up with the solutions or ready to fight.

Oh yeahhh..."1099-int" was a rhetorical statement as you mentioned it.
Don't worry I have already done my homework with law offices or CIS, as I had to show all incomes during interviews. Keep on squeaking.
Good to know that a EB 3 spot will soon be freed up when you are deported for your "unauthorized work". I now really wish more people (even EB2) join Amway . We might not need a CIR after all :)
Don't worry I have already done my homework with law offices or CIS, as I had to show all incomes during interviews. Keep on squeaking.
Good to know that a EB 3 spot will soon be freed up when you are deported for your "unauthorized work". I now really wish more people (even EB2) join Amway . We might not need a CIR after all :)
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I am not saying that the AP cannot be used again, but it cannot be used after the Validity on the AP which is 1 year from the Issue date and the date on the I-94 doesn't have any meaning.
For example
My AP was issued on Oct 18th 2007 and I can use it to travel till Oct 17th 2008. But people are saying that they are issued an I-94 with a date which is 1 year from the date they enter/use the AP.
But my concern is that I was issued an I-94A which doesn't have any date on it. Should I be concerned about that?
AP's are generally issued for multiple trips. I am little confused by your question. Could you please specify why is it that you think that you cannot use the AP again.
For example
My AP was issued on Oct 18th 2007 and I can use it to travel till Oct 17th 2008. But people are saying that they are issued an I-94 with a date which is 1 year from the date they enter/use the AP.
But my concern is that I was issued an I-94A which doesn't have any date on it. Should I be concerned about that?
AP's are generally issued for multiple trips. I am little confused by your question. Could you please specify why is it that you think that you cannot use the AP again.

And does this mean that this law will definitely change, or is it still possible that vested interests may still keep substition alive?
It's not done till it done.
It's not done till it done.

Immigration Voice encourages all members to help AILF/AILA's potential lawsuit by joining them as plaintiffs and contribute funds to Immigration Voice. We will actively help AILF or other organizations in this lawsuit to force USCIS/DOS to compensate for :
1. Financial and other damages caused due to manipulation of Visa bulletins out of order.
2. Violation of federal regulations and precedents.
A victory in such a potential lawsuit could in effect may either force USCIS to accept the 485 petitions in July and accept the ones it may deny/return in July.
The outcome of lawsuit cannot be guaranteed but USCIS and DOS are certainly facing a tough fight from us as well as from AILA and like minded organizations.
Please contribute funds as Immigration Voice would need funds to finance an expensive lawsuit against USCIS/DOS should it decide to actively participate in a class action lawsuit.
US knows that Pakistan is the mother of Terrorism, doesn't look like with all the aid flowing in, that it is being reduced to rubble. Terrorism is a deeper debate, and it borders on uneven economics, social structures, global imbalance to name a few. We have quite a few terrorists in India too, just look up Sikh riots of 1984 and Gujrat riots of 2002, the culprits walk scott free. You talk about Israel, how safe is Israel? Would you settle in Israel given a chance? The same is with the US, in the pretext of 9/11 the residual racism is now emerging in these situations.
Whether we like it or not, Kasab will be hung to death. He is definitely a criminal, and it shines on our judicial system and independent media (both are screwed in their own ways) that we can tell that a terrorist hasn't been reduced to a weakling to not demand the food of his choice.
If you are soft state they will after you...How come Israel surviving with all hostile neighbour....Do you know the seven day war. Do we have the guts to do that with any country who are launching terrorist into our land.?
Yes...US is not attacking Pak...because Pak is living at US mercy.
Whether we like it or not, Kasab will be hung to death. He is definitely a criminal, and it shines on our judicial system and independent media (both are screwed in their own ways) that we can tell that a terrorist hasn't been reduced to a weakling to not demand the food of his choice.
If you are soft state they will after you...How come Israel surviving with all hostile neighbour....Do you know the seven day war. Do we have the guts to do that with any country who are launching terrorist into our land.?
Yes...US is not attacking Pak...because Pak is living at US mercy.
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Do you need any help? We asked others to give their input and they are doing it here. Let us know how else we can help you.
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They need to pump up more numbers otherwise getting rid of quotas doesn't help much.
Getting rid of quotas will help. We will not be in a situation where
- EB2 is current for ROW and unavailable for India.
- EB3 is in year 2005 for ROW and stuck in 2001 for India
Adding more visas is a legislative process. Applying per country quota is as
per DOL�s discretion.
Getting rid of quotas will help. We will not be in a situation where
- EB2 is current for ROW and unavailable for India.
- EB3 is in year 2005 for ROW and stuck in 2001 for India
Adding more visas is a legislative process. Applying per country quota is as
per DOL�s discretion.

Is it mendetory to file AC21 if your job title and duties are identical in your new job???
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Let's stay united and focus on the orignal agenda. Removing country based caps from Employment Based Green cards is a valid agenda and is been there before this VB popped up. Skills don't need a cap.Business should be able to hire best and brightest here without any country limits.
Enforce country cap on Family based GC/DV lotterry for the diversity sake. FYI India and China don't have access to DV Lottery. This system is insane and let's not fight among ourselves to defend this crappy immigration system. . U may see ROW retrogress to 1998 in next VB and what will u say then ?. Bottom line is Fighting will not take us anywhere and changing this unpredictable system will be the only way to go.
Enforce country cap on Family based GC/DV lotterry for the diversity sake. FYI India and China don't have access to DV Lottery. This system is insane and let's not fight among ourselves to defend this crappy immigration system. . U may see ROW retrogress to 1998 in next VB and what will u say then ?. Bottom line is Fighting will not take us anywhere and changing this unpredictable system will be the only way to go.
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03-20 02:37 PM
The title is pretty self-explanatory. Basically, I want to know whether I can legally continue my GC process in US once I get Canadian PR? What would I have to do? I read the blog from the guy who said he had an address, account in Canada but worked in US. I couldn't tell, though, whether he ended up keeping his Canadian PR...and also - whether he ended up getting the US Green Card in the end?? Appreciate any help!!!
Has anyone of them contacted Rajiv Khnanna and spent their own $600 and got an anwer? NO.
This is because nobody is serious about this. Everyone wants the other person to spend their money and time. They will only spend their time in writing posts.
I oppose this idea for number of reasons. Firstly people will not become plantiffs. They are scared. USCIS will scruitanize their applications more than anyone. Secondly people will not donate money in thousands of dollars each for it. Unless you can get hundred thousand dollars and above, you cannot go into a class action lawsuit. Thirdly nobody will go and travel on their own money and testify. Forthly, nobody will spend time helping lawyers prepare cases and research. Forthly, class action lawsuits take time and people will disappear after a while. Fifthly nobody will be willing to lead this effort. They will just dump it on IV to lead it and have core spend their time and money into it for them. Sixthly if this fail, they will blame IV for wasting the money and failing in the effort. Seventhly we do not want greencards that bad. If we wanted greencards that bad we all would have written more than 20 thousand letters till now. We should only try to bite as much as we can chew. This is just an overambitious plan and looks good in a post.
Thus I oppose this idea.
You cannot speak on behalf of other persons. Speak for yourself. Even though I have a GC, I am willing to contribute (monetary, reviewing lawyers briefs, doing legal research). I will not be able to participate as plaintiff as I have a GC.
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With your attitude, you will not even become millionaire in Zimbabwean dollars.:D:D:D
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My suggestion is as follows : Let USCIS issue GC for primary applicants without considering PD :) and, issue GC to family members as per PD.
Anyhow getting GC for primary applicant is important then dependent or let them consider whole family as single case instead of considering each family member as single.
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Don't think of it as punishment. The US wants to allow a certain number of people to immigrate each year. The demand far outstrips the supply. That's where the problem is.
There are two ways to address this:
Increase the supply
Decrease the demand
Those are the only two ways. One option would be to go for a points based system that awards the limited visas to those with the best qualifications or where the need is greatest. After all the US is in a "buyer's market" and can pick and choose those immigrants that add most to the country.
The other option (which is at present politically infeasible) is to increase the annual immigrant quotas. Tough to support this in a recession with 10% unemployment.
I'm not sure you can characterize this as unfair... ultimately it is left to the US to determine how many people they want immigrating.
so what are the ones that fall below on points supposed to do ? pack and leave after 10 plus years of being here ?
There are two ways to address this:
Increase the supply
Decrease the demand
Those are the only two ways. One option would be to go for a points based system that awards the limited visas to those with the best qualifications or where the need is greatest. After all the US is in a "buyer's market" and can pick and choose those immigrants that add most to the country.
The other option (which is at present politically infeasible) is to increase the annual immigrant quotas. Tough to support this in a recession with 10% unemployment.
I'm not sure you can characterize this as unfair... ultimately it is left to the US to determine how many people they want immigrating.
so what are the ones that fall below on points supposed to do ? pack and leave after 10 plus years of being here ?
girlfriend Short Trendy Hairstyles
Hell ya, Some one got to be benefiting from my $12000.
I thought we're not supposed to pay for H1 and GC. Correct me if I'm wrong? I guess we can only pay for the visa appointment fee.
hairstyles Punk hairstyle 2011
By the way, I don't think you won ANYONE over so far. Keep trying...
Hmm.. so yesterday we were buddies on the other thread (at least you made it out to be for the sake of your arguments) and today I am part of the "enemy" because I am speaking sense and not rhetoric? I think I saw that coming.
You have been called Myfriend by me in all the posts in all the messages (I know i slipped in between but if you refer the messages i also did apolozise for calling some one a Bigot and Idiot). Now what i cannot understand is that you have never had the courage to so the same and are keeping up the same tone. No matter it si ok becasue to agrre you were wrong and apolozie needs more courage then anyone would know
What enemy are you referring to. I never called anyone on IV my enemy (and i can prove it by checking my previous post). The only place i used the word enemy was when i said that if you guys consider me your enemy you need to check all my posts to see how i have been in this forum from 2006 helping people when i can and Getting help when i needed it.
So you saw WHAT coming. What you actaully see coming is a bright light down a dark tunnel and when it gets closer there is a boom. That is when you wake up and smell the roses (So that there is no more misunderstanding and since it pains me to see your angry post again i will explain that what i mean is that you will realize that i am not your enemy). Of course there is no chance of you agreeing with me and that is ok. As long as you realize that i am not your enemy we are good. Atleast that would stop the abuse.
Oh i think i missed that part of sense and not rhetoric. Well it is like this my friend if you are speaking sense and not rhetoric it is good for you. What should be clear is when you speak sense (which by the way is always the way to go) i can choose to not agree with you and that should not blow you mind off and get you angry. Something similar to what i say when you abuse me and say that i am wrong and go all ballastic on me. Try it it will work out better for everyone
By the way, I don't think you won ANYONE over so far. Keep trying...
Since you are a junior member i will let this mistake slide through (But do not feel bad there are some senior members out here with the same statement which i must say is very surprising).
Unlike others i am not here to convert people to my point of view and win some one over to my side.
This is a forum and there are no sides (Actually there are so many to sides to count lets go with no sides). In a forum there is consensus and any decision is made on consensus. For forum members to come to a consensus they need to know what they are agreeing upon and to need to know people need to discuss. Not every idea wil work out and not every disucssion wil lead to a consensus, but as i told before that is the beauty of it.
Hope i was able to answer you satisfactorily and of course if you were not looking for an answer becasue you were just being angry i hope you sleep on it tonight and come back tommorow because my my friend all the junior members of today are the key persons of IV tommorow (Everyone else Please do not take that literally i mean in the future and NO i am not inciting anyone)
So tommorow if i call you my friend again if i see an reply from you which not abusive (It is ok to NOT agree with me. That is your god given right) i for one wil be very happy